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SQLize.online is a free online SQL environment for quickly running, experimenting with and sharing code.
You can run your SQL code on top of the most popular RDBMS including MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.
SQL code:
( select 'publisher' = upper(ss.srvname collate database_default), 'publisher_db' = mssa.publisher_db, 'publication' = mssa.publication, 'publication_type' = mssa.publication_type, 'agent_type' = @snapshot_agent, 'status' = mssh.runstatus, 'agent_id' = mssa.id, 'agent_name' = mssa.name, 'job_id' = cast(mssa.job_id as uniqueidentifier), 'time_stamp' = mssh.time, 'publisher_srvid' = ss.srvid from master.dbo.sysservers ss with (nolock), dbo.MSsnapshot_history mssh with (nolock), dbo.MSsnapshot_agents mssa with (nolock) where @agent_type in (@all_agents, @snapshot_agent) and ss.srvid = mssa.publisher_id and mssh.agent_id = mssa.id and mssh.timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from dbo.MSsnapshot_history mssh2 with (nolock) where mssh2.agent_id = mssa.id) UNION select upper(ss.srvname collate database_default), mssa.publisher_db, mssa.publication, mssa.publication_type, @snapshot_agent, 0, mssa.id, mssa.name, cast(mssa.job_id as uniqueidentifier), null, 'publisher_srvid' = ss.srvid from master.dbo.sysservers ss with (nolock), dbo.MSsnapshot_agents mssa with (nolock) where @agent_type in (@all_agents, @snapshot_agent) and ss.srvid = mssa.publisher_id and not exists (select * from dbo.MSsnapshot_history mssh with (nolock) where mssh.agent_id = mssa.id) ) ------------------------------ -- LOGREADER AGENT STATUS ------------------------------ UNION ALL ( select upper(ss.srvname collate database_default), msla.publisher_db, 'ALL', 0, @logreader_agent, mslh.runstatus, msla.id, msla.name, cast(msla.job_id as uniqueidentifier), mslh.time, 'publisher_srvid' = ss.srvid from master.dbo.sysservers ss with (nolock), dbo.MSlogreader_history mslh with (nolock), dbo.MSlogreader_agents msla with (nolock) where @agent_type in (@all_agents, @logreader_agent) and ss.srvid = msla.publisher_id and mslh.agent_id = msla.id and mslh.timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from dbo.MSlogreader_history mslh2 with (nolock) where mslh2.agent_id = msla.id) UNION select upper(ss.srvname collate database_default), msla.publisher_db, 'ALL', 0, @logreader_agent, 0, msla.id, msla.name, cast(msla.job_id as uniqueidentifier), NULL, 'publisher_srvid' = ss.srvid from master.dbo.sysservers ss with (nolock), dbo.MSlogreader_agents msla with (nolock) where @agent_type in (@all_agents, @logreader_agent) and ss.srvid = msla.publisher_id and not exists (select * from dbo.MSlogreader_history mslh with (nolock) where mslh.agent_id = msla.id) ) ------------------------------ -- DISTRIBUTION AGENT STATUS ------------------------------ UNION ALL ( -- Normal agents with or without history select distinct upper(ss.srvname collate database_default), msda.publisher_db, msp.publication, msp.publication_type, N'agent_type' = @distrib_agent, N'runstatus' = isnull(msdh.runstatus,0), msda.id, msda.name, cast(msda.job_id as uniqueidentifier), N'time' = msdh.time, N'publisher_srvid' = ss.srvid from dbo.MSdistribution_agents msda with (nolock) join master.dbo.sysservers ss with (nolock) on ss.srvid = msda.publisher_id left outer join dbo.MSdistribution_history msdh with (nolock) on msda.id = msdh.agent_id and msdh.timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from dbo.MSdistribution_history msdh2 with (nolock) where msdh2.agent_id = msdh.agent_id) join dbo.MSsubscriptions mss with (nolock) on mss.agent_id = msda.id join dbo.MSpublications msp with (nolock) on msp.publication_id = mss.publication_id where @agent_type in (@all_agents, @distrib_agent) and msda.subscriber_id >= 0 -- skip virtual entries and msda.anonymous_agent_id is null -- pick only normal UNION ALL -- Anonymous agents with or without history -- Anonymous agents will not have entries in MSsubscriptions select distinct upper(ss.srvname collate database_default), msda.publisher_db, msp.publication, msp.publication_type, N'agent_type' = @distrib_agent | @anonymous_mask, N'runstatus' = isnull(msdh.runstatus,0), msda.id, msda.name, cast(msda.job_id as uniqueidentifier), N'time' = msdh.time, N'publisher_srvid' = ss.srvid from dbo.MSdistribution_agents msda with (nolock) join master.dbo.sysservers ss with (nolock) on ss.srvid = msda.publisher_id left outer join dbo.MSdistribution_history msdh with (nolock) on msda.id = msdh.agent_id and msdh.timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from dbo.MSdistribution_history msdh2 with (nolock) where msdh2.agent_id = msdh.agent_id) join dbo.MSpublications msp with (nolock) on msp.publisher_id = msda.publisher_id and msp.publisher_db = msda.publisher_db and msp.publication = msda.publication where @agent_type in (@all_agents, @distrib_agent) and msda.subscriber_id >= 0 -- skip virtual entries and msda.anonymous_agent_id is not null -- pick only anonymous ) ------------------------------ -- MERGE AGENT STATUS ------------------------------ UNION ALL -- all subscription with its agent that has run with latest run status ( select upper(ss.srvname collate database_default), msma.publisher_db, msma.publication, 2, case when msma.anonymous_subid is not null then @merge_agent | @anonymous_mask else @merge_agent end, msmh.runstatus, msma.id, msma.name, cast(msma.job_id as uniqueidentifier), null, 'publisher_srvid' = ss.srvid from master.dbo.sysservers ss with (nolock), dbo.MSmerge_sessions msmh with (nolock), dbo.MSmerge_agents msma with (nolock) where @agent_type in (@all_agents, @merge_agent) and ss.srvid = msma.publisher_id and msmh.agent_id = msma.id and msmh.session_id = (select top 1 msmh2.session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions msmh2 with (nolock) where msmh2.agent_id = msma.id order by msmh2.session_id desc) UNION -- all subscription with its agent that has not yet run with latest run status=0 select upper(ss.srvname collate database_default), msma.publisher_db, msma.publication, 2, @merge_agent, 0, msma.id, msma.name, cast(msma.job_id as uniqueidentifier), null, 'publisher_srvid' = ss.srvid from master.dbo.sysservers ss with (nolock), dbo.MSmerge_agents msma with (nolock) where @agent_type in (@all_agents, @merge_agent) and ss.srvid = msma.publisher_id and not exists (select * from dbo.MSmerge_sessions msmh with (nolock) where msmh.agent_id = msma.id) ) ------------------------------ -- QUEUE READER AGENT STATUS ------------------------------ UNION ALL select upper(@@servername), db_name(), 'ALL', 0, @queue_agent, msqh.runstatus, msqa.id, msqa.name, cast(msqa.job_id as uniqueidentifier), msqh.time, 'publisher_srvid' = (select top 1 srvid from master.dbo.sysservers where srvname = @@servername) from dbo.MSqreader_history msqh with (nolock), dbo.MSqreader_agents msqa with (nolock) where @agent_type in (@all_agents, @queue_agent) and msqh.agent_id = msqa.id and msqh.timestamp = (select max(msqh2.timestamp) from dbo.MSqreader_history msqh2 with (nolock) where msqh2.agent_id = msqa.id)
MariaDB 11.4
MariaDB 11.5
MariaDB 10
MariaDB 10 Sakila (ReadOnly)
MySQL 5.7
MySQL 5.7 Sakila (ReadOnly)
MySQL 8.0
MySQL 8.0 Sakila (ReadOnly)
SQLite 3
SQLite 3 Preloaded
PostgreSQL 10 Bookings (ReadOnly)
PostgreSQL 11
PostgreSQL 12
PostgreSQL 13
PostgreSQL 14
PostgreSQL 15
MS SQL Server 2017
MS SQL Server 2019
MS SQL Server 2022
MS SQL Server 2022 AdventureWorks (ReadOnly)
Firebird 4.0
Firebird 4.0 (Employee)
Oracle Database 19c (HR)
Oracle Database 21c
Oracle Database 23c Free
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