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CREATE TABLE postlist ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, post VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE commentlist ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, post_id INTEGER NOT NULL, comment VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO postlist (post, name, title) VALUES ('Fooey Bars', 'Author1', 'First Post'), ('Barfoo', 'Author2', 'Second Post'), ('Far Boo', 'Author3', 'Third Post'), ('Roof Bar', 'Author4', 'Fourth Post'); INSERT INTO commentlist (post_id, comment, name) VALUES (1, 'Great post!', 'Emily Davis'), (1, 'I agree!', 'Mohammed Preet'), (2, 'Interesting read', 'Sarah Thompson'), (3, 'Looking forward to more posts!', 'Chris Lee'), (3, 'Well written', 'Olivia Martinez'), (4, 'Thanks for sharing', 'David Rodriguez');

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