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create table person ( id bigint primary key , name varchar not null, age integer not null default 10, gender varchar default 'female' not null , address varchar ); alter table person add constraint ch_gender check ( gender in ('female','male') ); insert into person values (1, 'Anna', 16, 'female', 'Moscow'); insert into person values (2, 'Andrey', 21, 'male', 'Moscow'); insert into person values (3, 'Kate', 33, 'female', 'Kazan'); insert into person values (4, 'Denis', 13, 'male', 'Kazan'); insert into person values (5, 'Elvira', 45, 'female', 'Kazan'); insert into person values (6, 'Irina', 21, 'female', 'Saint-Petersburg'); insert into person values (7, 'Peter', 24, 'male', 'Saint-Petersburg'); insert into person values (8, 'Nataly', 30, 'female', 'Novosibirsk'); insert into person values (9, 'Dmitriy', 18, 'male', 'Samara'); create table pizzeria (id bigint primary key , name varchar not null , rating numeric not null default 0); alter table pizzeria add constraint ch_rating check ( rating between 0 and 5); insert into pizzeria values (1,'Pizza Hut', 4.6); insert into pizzeria values (2,'Dominos', 4.3); insert into pizzeria values (3,'DoDo Pizza', 3.2); insert into pizzeria values (4,'Papa Johns', 4.9); insert into pizzeria values (5,'Best Pizza', 2.3); insert into pizzeria values (6,'DinoPizza', 4.2); create table person_visits (id bigint primary key , person_id bigint not null , pizzeria_id bigint not null , visit_date date not null default current_date, constraint uk_person_visits unique (person_id, pizzeria_id, visit_date), constraint fk_person_visits_person_id foreign key (person_id) references person(id), constraint fk_person_visits_pizzeria_id foreign key (pizzeria_id) references pizzeria(id) ); insert into person_visits values (1, 1, 1, '2022-01-01'); insert into person_visits values (2, 2, 2, '2022-01-01'); insert into person_visits values (3, 2, 1, '2022-01-02'); insert into person_visits values (4, 3, 5, '2022-01-03'); insert into person_visits values (5, 3, 6, '2022-01-04'); insert into person_visits values (6, 4, 5, '2022-01-07'); insert into person_visits values (7, 4, 6, '2022-01-08'); insert into person_visits values (8, 5, 2, '2022-01-08'); insert into person_visits values (9, 5, 6, '2022-01-09'); insert into person_visits values (10, 6, 2, '2022-01-09'); insert into person_visits values (11, 6, 4, '2022-01-01'); insert into person_visits values (12, 7, 1, '2022-01-03'); insert into person_visits values (13, 7, 2, '2022-01-05'); insert into person_visits values (14, 8, 1, '2022-01-05'); insert into person_visits values (15, 8, 2, '2022-01-06'); insert into person_visits values (16, 8, 4, '2022-01-07'); insert into person_visits values (17, 9, 4, '2022-01-08'); insert into person_visits values (18, 9, 5, '2022-01-09'); insert into person_visits values (19, 9, 6, '2022-01-10'); create table menu (id bigint primary key , pizzeria_id bigint not null , pizza_name varchar not null , price numeric not null default 1, constraint fk_menu_pizzeria_id foreign key (pizzeria_id) references pizzeria(id)); insert into menu values (1,1,'cheese pizza', 900); insert into menu values (2,1,'pepperoni pizza', 1200); insert into menu values (3,1,'sausage pizza', 1200); insert into menu values (4,1,'supreme pizza', 1200); insert into menu values (5,6,'cheese pizza', 950); insert into menu values (6,6,'pepperoni pizza', 800); insert into menu values (7,6,'sausage pizza', 1000); insert into menu values (8,2,'cheese pizza', 800); insert into menu values (9,2,'mushroom pizza', 1100); insert into menu values (10,3,'cheese pizza', 780); insert into menu values (11,3,'supreme pizza', 850); insert into menu values (12,4,'cheese pizza', 700); insert into menu values (13,4,'mushroom pizza', 950); insert into menu values (14,4,'pepperoni pizza', 1000); insert into menu values (15,4,'sausage pizza', 950); insert into menu values (16,5,'cheese pizza', 700); insert into menu values (17,5,'pepperoni pizza', 800); insert into menu values (18,5,'supreme pizza', 850); create table person_order ( id bigint primary key , person_id bigint not null , menu_id bigint not null , order_date date not null default current_date, constraint fk_order_person_id foreign key (person_id) references person(id), constraint fk_order_menu_id foreign key (menu_id) references menu(id) ); insert into person_order values (1,1, 1, '2022-01-01'); insert into person_order values (2,1, 2, '2022-01-01'); insert into person_order values (3,2, 8, '2022-01-01'); insert into person_order values (4,2, 9, '2022-01-01'); insert into person_order values (5,3, 16, '2022-01-04'); insert into person_order values (6,4, 16, '2022-01-07'); insert into person_order values (7,4, 17, '2022-01-07'); insert into person_order values (8,4, 18, '2022-01-07'); insert into person_order values (9,4, 6, '2022-01-08'); insert into person_order values (10,4, 7, '2022-01-08'); insert into person_order values (11,5, 6, '2022-01-09'); insert into person_order values (12,5, 7, '2022-01-09'); insert into person_order values (13,6, 13, '2022-01-01'); insert into person_order values (14,7, 3, '2022-01-03'); insert into person_order values (15,7, 9, '2022-01-05'); insert into person_order values (16,7, 4, '2022-01-05'); insert into person_order values (17,8, 8, '2022-01-06'); insert into person_order values (18,8, 14, '2022-01-07'); insert into person_order values (19,9, 18, '2022-01-09'); insert into person_order values (20,9, 6, '2022-01-10'); CREATE TABLE person_audit ( created timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), type_event char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT('I'), row_id bigint NOT NULL, name varchar, age integer, gender varchar, address varchar, CONSTRAINT ch_type_event CHECK (type_event IN ('I', 'U', 'D')) ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fnc_trg_person_insert_audit() RETURNS trigger AS $trg_person_insert_audit$ BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN INSERT INTO person_audit SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Yakutsk', 'I', NEW.*; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $trg_person_insert_audit$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER trg_person_insert_audit AFTER INSERT ON person FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION fnc_trg_person_insert_audit(); INSERT INTO person(id, name, age, gender, address) VALUES (10,'Damir', 22, 'male', 'Irkutsk'); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fnc_trg_person_update_audit() RETURNS trigger AS $trg_person_update_audit$ BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN INSERT INTO person_audit SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Yakutsk', 'U', OLD.*; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $trg_person_update_audit$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER trg_person_update_audit AFTER UPDATE ON person FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION fnc_trg_person_update_audit(); UPDATE person SET name = 'Bulat' WHERE id = 10; UPDATE person SET name = 'Damir' WHERE id = 10; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fnc_trg_person_delete_audit() RETURNS trigger AS $trg_person_delete_audit$ BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN INSERT INTO person_audit SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Yakutsk', 'D', OLD.*; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $trg_person_delete_audit$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER trg_person_delete_audit AFTER DELETE ON person FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION fnc_trg_person_delete_audit(); DELETE FROM person WHERE id = 10; DROP TRIGGER trg_person_delete_audit ON person; DROP TRIGGER trg_person_insert_audit ON person; DROP TRIGGER trg_person_update_audit ON person; DROP FUNCTION fnc_trg_person_delete_audit(); DROP FUNCTION fnc_trg_person_insert_audit(); DROP FUNCTION fnc_trg_person_update_audit(); TRUNCATE person_audit; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fnc_trg_person_audit() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $trg_person_audit$ BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN INSERT INTO person_audit SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Yakutsk', 'I', NEW.*; ELSIF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN INSERT INTO person_audit SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Yakutsk', 'U', OLD.*; ELSIF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN INSERT INTO person_audit SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Yakutsk', 'D', OLD.*; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $trg_person_audit$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER trg_person_audit AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON person FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION fnc_trg_person_audit(); INSERT INTO person(id, name, age, gender, address) VALUES (10,'Damir', 22, 'male', 'Irkutsk'); UPDATE person SET name = 'Bulat' WHERE id = 10; UPDATE person SET name = 'Damir' WHERE id = 10; DELETE FROM person WHERE id = 10; select * from person_audit order by created;

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