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-- FUNCTION: public.p_rstit_report_license(bigint, bigint, text, date, boolean) -- DROP FUNCTION public.p_rstit_report_license(bigint, bigint, text, date, boolean); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.p_rstit_report_license( uid bigint, agent2_id bigint, softwareprogname text, daterep date, showrevoked boolean) RETURNS void LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE AS $BODY$ declare NUID BIGINT:=UID; -- Пользователь sLID text; -- уровень доступа nAgent2 BIGINT:=agent2_id; sAgent2 text; sAgentName text; sSOFTWAREPROGNAME text:=softwareprogname; sSOFTWARENAME text; dDATEREP date:=daterep; bSHOWREVOKED boolean:=showrevoked; sSHOWREVOKED text; sLICREVOKED text; sLICTRANSFER text; rec record; idx int; sIndx text; npp INTEGER:=0; SHEET1 constant text := 'LICENSE'; LINE1 constant text := 'LINE1'; begin -- инициализация Excel perform p_excel_prepare(); --< Страница 1 perform p_excel_sheet_select(SHEET1); perform p_excel_cell_describe( 'ORG' ); perform p_excel_cell_describe( 'DATAREP' ); perform p_excel_cell_describe( 'SOFTWAREPROGNAME' ); perform p_excel_cell_describe( 'SHOWREVOKED' ); -- организация begin SELECT A.DESCRIPTION, A.CODE INTO sAgentName, sAgent2 FROM AGENT A WHERE A.ID=nAgent2 ; exception when others then null; end; if (nAgent2 is null) or sAgent2 in ('Росстандарт','Росстандарт СВОД') then sLID := (select trim(L.NAME) from USERS U, LEVACCESS L where U.ID=NUID and U.LEVACCESSID=L.ID); sAgentName := 'Федеральное агентство по техническому регулированию и метрологии'; end if; begin if sSOFTWAREPROGNAME is not null then select S.NAME into sSOFTWARENAME from SOFTWARE S where S.NAME=sSOFTWAREPROGNAME; else select S.NAME into sSOFTWARENAME from LICENSE L, SOFTWAREPROG SP, SOFTWARE S where L.SOFTWAREPROG_ID=SP.ID and SP.SOFTWARE_ID=S.ID; end if; if bSHOWREVOKED='true' then sSHOWREVOKED := 'Да'; else sSHOWREVOKED := 'Нет'; end if; perform p_excel_cell_value_write ( 'ORG' , sAgentName ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write ( 'DATAREP', to_char(dDATEREP, 'DD.MM.YYYY')); perform p_excel_cell_value_write ( 'SOFTWAREPROGNAME' , sSOFTWARENAME ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write ( 'SHOWREVOKED' , sSHOWREVOKED ); -- таблица perform p_excel_line_describe(LINE1); for i in 1..14 loop sIndx := trim(to_char( i,'09')); perform p_excel_line_cell_describe(LINE1, 'l1_cell'||sIndx ); end loop; for rec in (select SP.ID SOFTWAREPROG_ID, -- SOFTWAREPROG SP.SOFTWARE_ID SOFTWARE_ID, SP.AGENT2_ID AGENT2_ID, S.NAME S_NAME, -- SOFTWARE L.LICNUMB LICNUMB, -- LICENSE L.DATEBEGIN DATEBEGIN, L.DATEEND DATEEND, L.LICREVOKED LICREVOKED, L.LICTRANSFER LICTRANSFER, L.SUMM SUMM, L.AGENT1_ID AGENT1_ID, LS.SOFTWARESPEC_ID SOFTWARESPEC_ID, -- LICENSESPEC LS.OKEI3_ID OKEI3_ID, LS.QUANTITY QUANTITY, LS.LICUSED LICUSED, LS.LICLEFT LICLEFT from LICENSE L, LICENSESPEC LS, SOFTWAREPROG SP, SOFTWARE S, DOCSTATUS_IT DS, AGENT A where (SP.AGENT2_ID=nAgent2 or (((nAgent2 is null) or sAgent2 in ('Росстандарт','Росстандарт СВОД')) and (sLID in ('Персональный', 'Росстандарт')))) and SP.AGENT2_ID=A.ID and L.DATEEND <= dDATEREP and ((sSOFTWAREPROGNAME is not NULL and S.NAME = sSOFTWARENAME) or sSOFTWAREPROGNAME is NULL) and L.DOCSTATUSIT_ID=DS.ID and DS.CODE='На учете' and ((bSHOWREVOKED='false' and LS.LICREVOKED='true') or (bSHOWREVOKED='true' and (LS.LICREVOKED='true' or LS.LICREVOKED='false'))) and SP.ID = L.SOFTWAREPROG_ID and S.ID = SP.SOFTWARE_ID and LS.LICENSE_ID = L.ID order by A.code, L.LICNUMB) loop if rec.LICREVOKED='true' then sLICREVOKED := 'Да'; else sLICREVOKED := 'Нет'; end if; if rec.LICTRANSFER='true' then sLICTRANSFER := 'Да'; else sLICTRANSFER := 'Нет'; end if; npp := npp+1; idx := p_excel_line_append(LINE1); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell01' , 0, idx, npp ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell02' , 0, idx, rec.LICNUMB ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell03' , 0, idx, to_char(rec.DATEBEGIN, 'DD.MM.YYYY') ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell04' , 0, idx, to_char(rec.DATEEND, 'DD.MM.YYYY') ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell05' , 0, idx, sLICREVOKED ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell06' , 0, idx, sLICTRANSFER ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell07' , 0, idx, rec.S_NAME ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell08' , 0, idx, rec.SOFTWARESPEC_ID ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell09' , 0, idx, rec.OKEI3_ID ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell10' , 0, idx, rec.QUANTITY ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell11' , 0, idx, rec.LICUSED ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell12' , 0, idx, rec.LICLEFT ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell13' , 0, idx, rec.AGENT1_ID ); perform p_excel_cell_value_write( 'l1_cell14' , 0, idx, rec.SUMM ); end loop; -- rec if rec is null then perform p_system_exception(0,'Нет данных для формирования отчёта!'); end if; -- удаляем строки perform p_excel_line_delete(LINE1); end; $BODY$; ALTER FUNCTION public.p_rstit_report_license(bigint, bigint, text, date, boolean) OWNER TO magicbox;
MySQL 5.7
MySQL 5.7 Sakila (ReadOnly)
MySQL 8.0
MySQL 8.0 Sakila (ReadOnly)
MariaDB 11.5
SQLite 3
SQLite 3 Preloaded
PostgreSQL 10 Bookings (ReadOnly)
PostgreSQL 11
PostgreSQL 12
PostgreSQL 13
PostgreSQL 14
PostgreSQL 15
MS SQL Server 2017
MS SQL Server 2019
MS SQL Server 2022
MS SQL Server 2022 AdventureWorks (ReadOnly)
Firebird 4.0
Firebird 4.0 (Employee)
Oracle Database 19c (HR)
Oracle Database 21c
Oracle Database 23c Free
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