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create table users ( id bigint primary key, name varchar not null ); create table contests ( id bigint primary key, name varchar not null ); create table problems ( id bigint primary key, contest_id bigint, code varchar not null, constraint fk_problems_contest_id foreign key (contest_id) references contests (id) ); create unique index on problems (contest_id, code); create table submissions ( id bigint primary key, user_id bigint, problem_id bigint, success boolean not null, submitted_at timestamp not null, constraint fk_submissions_user_id foreign key (user_id) references users (id), constraint fk_submissions_problem_id foreign key (problem_id) references problems (id) ); insert into users values (1, 'Marie Curie'), (2, 'Stephen Hawking'), (3, 'Ada Lovelace'), (4, 'Albert Einstein'), (5, 'Archimedes'); insert into contests values (1, 'Sandbox-Juniors'), (2, 'Sandbox-Seniors'), (3, 'Contest-Juniors'), (4, 'Contest-Seniors'); insert into problems values (1, 1, 'A'), (2, 2, 'A'), (3, 3, 'A'), (4, 3, 'B'), (5, 4, 'A'), (6, 4, 'B'); insert into submissions values (1, 2, 2, false, '2023-02-05 11:01:00'), (2, 2, 2, true, '2023-02-05 11:02:00'), (3, 2, 6, true, '2023-02-05 11:03:01'), (4, 2, 1, true, '2023-02-05 11:04:00'), (5, 2, 1, true, '2023-02-05 11:05:00'), (6, 3, 6, true, '2023-02-05 11:06:00'), (17, 1, 6, true, '2023-02-05 11:03:00'), (8, 1, 2, true, '2023-02-05 11:08:00'), (9, 1, 1, false, '2023-02-05 11:09:00'), (10, 3, 1, false, '2023-02-05 11:10:00'), (11, 5, 5, false, '2023-02-05 11:11:00'), (13, 2, 6, true, '2023-02-05 11:03:00'), (14, 3, 6, false, '2023-02-05 11:05:59'), (15, 1, 6, true, '2023-02-05 11:04:00'); WITH ranked_submissions AS ( SELECT user_id, username, count(*) AS problem_count, max(submitted_at) AS latest_successful_submitted_at, dense_rank() OVER (ORDER BY count(*) DESC, max(submitted_at) DESC) AS rank FROM ( SELECT u.id AS user_id, u.name AS username, s.problem_id, s.submitted_at FROM users u JOIN submissions s ON s.user_id = u.id WHERE s.success = true ) AS t GROUP BY user_id, username ), all_users AS ( SELECT u.id AS user_id, u.name AS username, 0 AS problem_count, '1900-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp AS latest_successful_submitted_at, 0 AS rank FROM users u WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM submissions s WHERE s.user_id = u.id AND s.success = true ) ) SELECT * FROM ranked_submissions UNION ALL SELECT * FROM all_users ORDER BY rank, latest_successful_submitted_at DESC, username;
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