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CREATE TABLE Pilot ( pilot_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name_ text, age integer, rank_ integer, educational_level integer ); CREATE TABLE Plane( plane_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, capacity integer, cargo_flg integer ); CREATE TABLE Flight ( flight_id SERIAL, flight_dt date, plane_id SERIAL, first_pilot_id SERIAL, second_pilot_id SERIAL, destination text, quantity integer, PRIMARY KEY(flight_id, flight_dt), FOREIGN KEY(plane_id) REFERENCES Plane(plane_id), FOREIGN KEY(first_pilot_id) REFERENCES Pilot(pilot_id), FOREIGN KEY(second_pilot_id) REFERENCES Pilot(pilot_id) ); SELECT pl.name_ FROM Pilot pl RIGHT JOIN Flight fl ON (pl.pilot_id = fl.second_pilot_id) WHERE destination = 'Шереметьево' GROUP BY pilot_id HAVING count(*) = 3; WITH tmp AS ( SELECT * FROM Pilot pl RIGHT JOIN Flight fl ON (pl.pilot_id = fl.first_pilot_id) LEFT JOIN PLANE USING(plane_id) UNION SELECT * FROM Pilot pl RIGHT JOIN Flight fl ON (pl.pilot_id = fl.second_pilot_id) LEFT JOIN PLANE USING(plane_id) ) SELECT name_ FROM tmp WHERE age > 45 AND cargo_flg = 0 AND capacity > 30; SELECT first_pilot_id FROM Pilot pl RIGHT JOIN Flight fl ON (pl.pilot_id = fl.first_pilot_id) LEFT JOIN Plane USING(plane_id) WHERE cargo_flg = 1 GROUP BY first_pilot_id ORDER BY count(flight_id) DESC limit(10);
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