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SQLtest Online
SQLize.online is a free online SQL environment for quickly running, experimenting with and sharing code.
You can run your SQL code on top of the most popular RDBMS including MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.
SQL code:
set random_page_cost=1.1; CREATE TABLE mytable(id bigserial PRIMARY KEY, kind text, param1 text, created_at timestamptz); INSERT INTO mytable(kind, param1, created_at) SELECT q1.v, q1.p, q2.g + '12 hour'::interval * q1.p FROM (VALUES ('kind1', 0), ('kind1', 1), ('kind1', 2), ('kind1', 3), ('kind1', 4), ('kind2', 3), ('kind2', 5) ) AS q1(v,p), (SELECT generate_series('2020-01-01'::timestamptz, '2021-01-01', '1 hour')) AS q2(g); vacuum analyze mytable; VALUES ('A-la your original query, before index creation'); explain (analyze, verbose, buffers, timing) SELECT id FROM ( SELECT id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY kind, param1 ORDER BY created_at desc ) AS rn FROM mytable WHERE kind= 'kind1' AND param1 IN (1::text, 2::text, 3::text) ) t WHERE t.rn = 1; VALUES ('A kind of more intuitive query, before index creation'); explain (analyze, verbose, buffers, timing) SELECT DISTINCT ON (kind, param1) id FROM mytable WHERE kind='kind1' AND param1 IN (1::text, 2::text, 3::text) ORDER BY kind DESC, param1 DESC, created_at DESC; create index on mytable(kind, param1, created_at, id) ; VALUES ('A-la your original query, with a reasonable index'); explain (analyze, verbose, buffers, timing) SELECT id FROM ( SELECT id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY kind, param1 ORDER BY created_at desc ) AS rn FROM mytable WHERE kind= 'kind1' AND param1 IN (1::text, 2::text, 3::text) ) t WHERE t.rn = 1; VALUES ('The more intuitive query, with the index (all the next are with the index)'); explain (analyze, verbose, buffers, timing) SELECT DISTINCT ON (kind, param1) id FROM mytable WHERE kind='kind1' AND param1 IN (1::text, 2::text, 3::text) ORDER BY kind DESC, param1 DESC, created_at DESC; VALUES ('Fixed set of key parameters with ORDER BY/LIMIT created_at'); explain (analyze, verbose, buffers, timing) WITH v(k,p) AS (VALUES ('kind1', 1), ('kind1', 2), ('kind1', 3)) SELECT (SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE (kind, param1) = (vi.k, vi.p::text) ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1) FROM v AS vi; VALUES ('An intuitive approach to a range key parameters with ORDER BY/LIMIT created_at'), ('Note no index skip scans, get a lot of tuples from the index'); explain (analyze, verbose, buffers, timing) WITH v(k,p) AS (SELECT DISTINCT m.kind, m.param1 FROM mytable m WHERE m.kind='kind1' AND m.param1 BETWEEN 1::text AND 3::text) SELECT (SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE (kind, param1) = (vi.k, vi.p::text) ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1) FROM v AS vi; VALUES ('The RECURSIVE/direct key search algorithm for a range key parameters with ORDER BY/LIMIT created_at'); explain (analyze, verbose, buffers, timing) WITH RECURSIVE vs(k,p) AS ( SELECT DISTINCT m.kind, m.param1 FROM mytable m WHERE (m.kind, m.param1) BETWEEN ('kind1', 1::text) AND ('kind1', 3::text) ORDER BY m.kind, m.param1 LIMIT 1), v(k,p) AS NOT MATERIALIZED ( SELECT k, p FROM vs UNION ALL (SELECT m.kind, m.param1 FROM v JOIN LATERAL (SELECT kind, param1 FROM mytable WHERE (mytable.kind, mytable.param1) > (v.k, v.p) -- AND (mytable.kind, mytable.param1) <= ('kind1', 3::text) ORDER BY kind, param1 LIMIT 1) AS m(kind, param1) ON true WHERE (m.kind, m.param1) <= ('kind1', 3::text) ) ) SELECT (SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE (kind, param1) = (vi.k, vi.p::text) ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1) FROM v AS vi;
MariaDB 11.4
MariaDB 11.5
MariaDB 10
MariaDB 10 Sakila (ReadOnly)
MySQL 8.0
MySQL 8.0 Sakila (ReadOnly)
SQLite 3
SQLite 3 Preloaded
PostgreSQL 10 Bookings (ReadOnly)
PostgreSQL 13
PostgreSQL 14
PostgreSQL 15
PostgreSQL 16
PostgreSQL 17
MS SQL Server 2017
MS SQL Server 2019
MS SQL Server 2022
MS SQL Server 2022 AdventureWorks (ReadOnly)
Firebird 4.0
Firebird 4.0 (Employee)
Oracle Database 19c (HR)
Oracle Database 21c
Oracle Database 23c Free
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