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SQL code:
drop function if exists fn_load_fcrm_dm_fcscore_stat_tm_abt_alerts_agg(text, timestamp); CREATE or replace FUNCTION fn_load_fcrm_dm_fcscore_stat_tm_abt_alerts_agg(p_customerid text, p_scoring_dt timestamp) RETURNS table ( companyid text , partnerbank text , amount_num numeric , scoring_dt timestamp , legalform text , finom_lt_days_cnt integer , countrycode text , city text , business_type text , rules text , rules_norm text , has_fp1 integer , has_fp2 integer , has_fp3 integer , has_fp4 integer , has_fp5 integer , has_fp7 integer , has_fp9 integer , has_fp integer , has_rai integer , tp_cnt integer , fp_cnt integer , opened_alerts_90d_cnt bigint , opened_last_alerts_90d_cnt bigint , last_alert_name text ) AS $$ begin drop table if exists tt_alerts_agg; create temp table tt_alerts_agg as with tt_transactions as ( select t.customerid as companyid , max(t.partnerbank) as partnerbank , p_scoring_dt as scoring_dt , sum(case when t.amountineuro_num = 0 or t.amountineuro_num is null then t.amount_num else t.amountineuro_num end) as amount_num from public.transactions t where t.customerid = p_customerid and upper(t.status) <> 'DECLINED' and upper(t.status) <> 'REVERSED' and upper(t.type) not like '%FEE%' and upper(t.type) not like '%CASHBACK%' and upper(t.type) not like '%REFUND%' and upper(t.type) not like '%SYSTEM%' and upper(t.type) not like '%CURRENCY%' and upper(t.type) not like '%TOPUP%' and createdtime_dt::date >= p_scoring_dt - interval '90 days' and createdtime_dt::date < p_scoring_dt group by t.customerid , p_scoring_dt ), companies_to_score as ( select sample.companyid , sample.partnerbank as partnerbank , sample.amount_num , sample.scoring_dt as scoring_dt , c.legalform , c.countrycode , c.city , c.businesstype , DATE_PART('day', sample.scoring_dt - c.createdat_dt)::integer as finom_lt_days_cnt from tt_transactions as sample inner join public.companies c on c.id = sample.companyid ), tt_alerts as( select t.companyid , t.risedon_dt , t.resolvedon_dt , t.status , t.rules , t.rules_norm from ( select a.companyid , a.risedon_dt , a.resolvedon_dt , a.status , a.rules , case when a.rules like '%TM%' then trim('-' from substr(a.rules, 0,6)) when a.rules like '%FRAUD%' then trim('-' from substr(a.rules, 0,8)) else a.rules end as rules_norm from public.alerts a where a.risedon_dt::date <= p_scoring_dt and a.risedon_dt >= p_scoring_dt - interval '90 days' )t where t.rules_norm in ('FCRM FC-100 TEST' , 'FCRM FC-11 TEST' , 'FCRM FC-1 PROD' , 'FCRM FP-1 PROD' , 'FCRM FP-3 PROD' , 'ML-1' , 'RAI-1' , 'RAI-10' , 'RAI-14' , 'RAI-23' , 'RAI-24' , 'RAI-25' , 'RAI-27' , 'RAI-4' , 'RAI-7' , 'RAI-8' , 'RAI-OTHER' , 'SNC-6' , 'TM-1' , 'TM-10' , 'TM-5' , 'TM-6' , 'TM-7') ), alerts_for_sample as ( select distinct t.companyid , t.partnerbank , t.amount_num , t.scoring_dt , t.finom_lt_days_cnt , t.legalform , t.countrycode , t.city , t.businesstype , t.status , t.rules , t.rules_norm , t.opened_alerts_90d_cnt , sum(case when t.risedon_dt > t.last_closed_alert_dt and (t.status not in ('Good', 'Bad', 'TruePositive', 'FalsePositive', 'Archived') or t.resolvedon_dt > t.scoring_dt) then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by t.companyid, t.scoring_dt) as opened_last_alerts_90d_cnt , t.last_alert_name from ( select c.companyid , c.partnerbank , c.amount_num , c.scoring_dt , c.finom_lt_days_cnt , c.legalform , c.countrycode , c.city , c.businesstype , a.status , a.rules , a.rules_norm , sum(case when a.status not in ('Good', 'Bad', 'TruePositive', 'FalsePositive', 'Archived') or a.resolvedon_dt > c.scoring_dt then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by c.companyid, c.scoring_dt) as opened_alerts_90d_cnt , first_value(case when a.rules like '%TM%' then trim('-' from substr(a.rules, 0,6)) when a.rules like '%FRAUD%' then trim('-' from substr(a.rules, 0,8)) else a.rules end) over (partition by c.companyid, c.scoring_dt order by a.risedon_dt desc) as last_alert_name , coalesce(max(case when a.status in ('Good', 'Bad', 'TruePositive', 'FalsePositive', 'Archived') and resolvedon_dt <= c.scoring_dt then a.risedon_dt end) over (partition by c.companyid, c.scoring_dt), '2000-01-01 00:00:00') as last_closed_alert_dt , a.risedon_dt , a.resolvedon_dt from companies_to_score as c left join tt_alerts a on c.companyid = a.companyid and a.risedon_dt <= c.scoring_dt and a.risedon_dt >= c.scoring_dt - interval '90 days' )t), rules as ( select distinct a.companyid , a.partnerbank , a.amount_num , a.scoring_dt , a.legalform , a.finom_lt_days_cnt , a.countrycode , a.city , a.businesstype as business_type , a.rules , a.rules_norm , a.opened_alerts_90d_cnt , a.opened_last_alerts_90d_cnt , a.last_alert_name from alerts_for_sample a ), al as ( select a.companyid , a.scoring_dt , count(a.rules_norm) as tm_alert_cnt , count(distinct a.rules_norm) as unique_tm_alert_cnt , max(case when a.status in ('TruePositive', 'Bad') and a.rules = 'FCRM FP-1 PROD' then 1 else 0 end) as has_fp1 , max(case when a.status in ('TruePositive', 'Bad') and a.rules = 'FCRM FP-2 PROD' then 1 else 0 end) as has_fp2 , max(case when a.status in ('TruePositive', 'Bad') and a.rules = 'FCRM FP-3 PROD' then 1 else 0 end) as has_fp3 , max(case when a.status in ('TruePositive', 'Bad') and a.rules = 'FCRM FP-4 PROD' then 1 else 0 end) as has_fp4 , max(case when a.status in ('TruePositive', 'Bad') and a.rules = 'FCRM FP-5 PROD' then 1 else 0 end) as has_fp5 , max(case when a.status in ('TruePositive', 'Bad') and a.rules = 'FCRM FP-7 PROD' then 1 else 0 end) as has_fp7 , max(case when a.status in ('TruePositive', 'Bad') and a.rules = 'FCRM FP-9 PROD' then 1 else 0 end) as has_fp9 , max(case when a.status in ('TruePositive', 'Bad') and a.rules like '%FCRM FP-%' then 1 else 0 end) as has_fp , max(case when a.status in ('TruePositive', 'Bad') and a.rules like '%RAI%' then 1 else 0 end) as has_rai , sum(case when a.status in ('TruePositive', 'Bad') then 1 else 0 end)::integer as tp_cnt , sum(case when a.status in ('FalsePositive', 'Good') then 1 else 0 end)::integer as fp_cnt from alerts_for_sample a group by 1, 2 ) select distinct a.companyid , a.partnerbank , a.amount_num , a.scoring_dt , a.legalform , a.finom_lt_days_cnt , a.countrycode , a.city , a.business_type , a.rules , a.rules_norm , al.has_fp1 , al.has_fp2 , al.has_fp3 , al.has_fp4 , al.has_fp5 , al.has_fp7 , al.has_fp9 , al.has_fp , al.has_rai , al.tp_cnt , al.fp_cnt , a.opened_alerts_90d_cnt , a.opened_last_alerts_90d_cnt , a.last_alert_name from rules a left join al on a.companyid = al.companyid and a.scoring_dt = al.scoring_dt; return query select * from tt_alerts_agg; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
MySQL 5.7
MySQL 5.7 Sakila (ReadOnly)
MySQL 8.0
MySQL 8.0 Sakila (ReadOnly)
MariaDB 11.5
SQLite 3
SQLite 3 Preloaded
PostgreSQL 10 Bookings (ReadOnly)
PostgreSQL 11
PostgreSQL 12
PostgreSQL 13
PostgreSQL 14
PostgreSQL 15
MS SQL Server 2017
MS SQL Server 2019
MS SQL Server 2022
MS SQL Server 2022 AdventureWorks (ReadOnly)
Firebird 4.0
Firebird 4.0 (Employee)
Oracle Database 19c (HR)
Oracle Database 21c
Oracle Database 23c Free
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