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CREATE TABLE ride (id int, inserted_at timestamp) ; INSERT INTO ride (id, inserted_at) VALUES ('106904416', '2022-04-01 10:41:52'), ('106967748', '2022-04-02 08:54:05'), ('107031080', '2022-04-03 11:18:06'), ('107094412', '2022-04-04 11:43:09'), ('107157744', '2022-04-05 09:22:47'), ('107221076', '2022-04-06 07:56:15'), ('107284408', '2022-04-07 06:53:08'), ('107347740', '2022-04-08 06:11:36'), ('107411072', '2022-04-09 07:38:48'), ('107474404', '2022-04-10 11:38:51'), ('107537736', '2022-04-11 12:39:17'), ('107601068', '2022-04-12 10:55:30'), ('107664400', '2022-04-13 10:06:02'), ('107727732', '2022-04-14 09:00:14'), ('107791064', '2022-04-15 08:17:34'), ('107854396', '2022-04-16 11:55:17'), ('107917728', '2022-04-18 06:01:51'), ('107981060', '2022-04-19 09:48:43'), ('108044392', '2022-04-20 08:04:41'), ('108107724', '2022-04-21 07:01:09'), ('108171056', '2022-04-22 05:56:45'), ('108234388', '2022-04-22 19:49:24'), ('108361052', '2022-04-25 12:50:31'), ('108424384', '2022-04-26 11:18:36'), ('108487716', '2022-04-27 09:58:27'), ('108551048', '2022-04-28 08:23:17'), ('108614380', '2022-04-29 07:06:28'), ('108741044', '2022-04-30 18:34:05'), ('108677712', '2022-04-29 19:14:37'), ('108804376', '2022-05-02 11:29:44'), ('108867708', '2022-05-03 11:56:30'), ('108931040', '2022-05-04 10:25:39'), ('108994372', '2022-05-05 09:01:00'), ('109057704', '2022-05-06 06:37:13'), ('109121036', '2022-05-06 20:34:59'), ('109184368', '2022-05-07 19:06:18'), ('109247700', '2022-05-09 07:18:11'), ('109311032', '2022-05-09 20:07:29'), ('109437696', '2022-05-11 14:58:29'), ('108297720', '2022-04-24 08:14:02'), ('109374364', '2022-05-10 16:03:18'), ('109501028', '2022-05-12 13:33:06'), ('109564360', '2022-05-13 11:46:35'), ('109627692', '2022-05-14 10:13:30'), ('109691024', '2022-05-15 13:15:08'), ('109754356', '2022-05-16 13:16:46'), ('109817688', '2022-05-17 10:03:24'), ('109881020', '2022-05-18 08:07:46'), ('109944352', '2022-05-19 06:22:52'), ('110071016', '2022-05-20 16:34:53'), ('110007684', '2022-05-19 20:20:36'), ('110134348', '2022-05-21 17:26:42'), ('110197680', '2022-05-23 07:23:54'), ('110261012', '2022-05-24 05:05:00'), ('110324344', '2022-05-24 18:09:48'), ('110387676', '2022-05-25 16:16:13'), ('110451008', '2022-05-26 14:36:59'), ('110514340', '2022-05-27 12:28:23'), ('110577672', '2022-05-28 10:43:49'), ('110641004', '2022-05-29 13:09:27'), ('110704336', '2022-05-30 13:09:02'), ('110831000', '2022-06-01 08:50:45'), ('110767668', '2022-05-31 10:28:19'), ('110894332', '2022-06-02 08:18:32'), ('110957664', '2022-06-03 07:20:19'), ('111020996', '2022-06-04 09:19:58'), ('111084328', '2022-06-05 13:34:52'), ('111147660', '2022-06-06 13:37:34'), ('111210992', '2022-06-07 12:07:38'), ('111274324', '2022-06-08 11:18:56'), ('111337656', '2022-06-09 11:57:29'), ('111400988', '2022-06-10 12:11:05'), ('111464320', '2022-06-11 11:51:47'), ('111527652', '2022-06-12 16:51:59'), ('111590984', '2022-06-13 16:02:37'), ('111654316', '2022-06-14 15:58:55'), ('111717648', '2022-06-15 15:47:47'), ('111780980', '2022-06-16 15:50:48'), ('111844312', '2022-06-17 15:21:06'), ('111907644', '2022-06-18 16:26:36'), ('111970976', '2022-06-20 07:31:05'), ('112034308', '2022-06-21 07:01:06'), ('112097640', '2022-06-22 07:05:01'), ('112160972', '2022-06-23 07:21:53'), ('112224304', '2022-06-24 06:50:02'), ('112287636', '2022-06-25 05:41:55'), ('112350968', '2022-06-26 08:48:44'), ('112414300', '2022-06-27 11:28:42'), ('112477632', '2022-06-28 10:32:12'), ('112540964', '2022-06-29 10:40:48'), ('112604296', '2022-06-30 09:54:20') ; CREATE TABLE transactions ( id INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, payment_type VARCHAR(8), inserted_at TIMESTAMP ); INSERT INTO transactions (id, user_id, payment_type, inserted_at) VALUES ('109199520', '1246196', 'credit', '2022-04-01 21:32:49'), ('109502852', '2165576', 'debit', '2022-04-04 08:13:17'), ('109806184', '876930', 'credit', '2022-04-05 21:24:58'), ('110109516', '1208450', 'credit', '2022-04-07 16:14:43'), ('110412848', '2458464', 'credit', '2022-04-09 16:17:01'), ('110716180', '1950265', 'credit', '2022-04-11 18:02:47'), ('111019512', '1954773', 'credit', '2022-04-13 12:30:32'), ('111322844', '284275', 'credit', '2022-04-15 08:27:36'), ('111626176', '2353827', 'credit', '2022-04-17 16:21:36'), ('111929508', '2092001', 'debit', '2022-04-19 18:49:03'), ('112232840', '1249511', 'credit', '2022-04-21 14:40:20'), ('112536172', '2397293', 'credit', '2022-04-23 10:02:43'), ('112839504', '1982164', 'credit', '2022-04-25 15:14:53'), ('113142836', '2044544', 'debit', '2022-04-27 09:13:25'), ('113446168', '1204208', 'credit', '2022-04-28 21:33:04'), ('113749500', '1961488', 'credit', '2022-04-30 17:08:20'), ('114052832', '1297060', 'credit', '2022-05-03 06:35:59'), ('114356164', '197065', 'credit', '2022-05-04 21:12:54'), ('114659496', '1236417', 'debit', '2022-05-06 14:58:50'), ('114962828', '34209', 'credit', '2022-05-08 21:02:59'), ('115266160', '2022491', 'credit', '2022-05-10 13:36:50'), ('115569492', '461256', 'credit', '2022-05-12 07:22:10'), ('115872824', '2381670', 'debit', '2022-05-13 19:07:12'), ('116176156', '46155', 'debit', '2022-05-15 21:30:16'), ('116479488', '2509674', 'credit', '2022-05-17 15:34:41'), ('116782820', '2390336', 'credit', '2022-05-19 08:42:58'), ('117086152', '85598', 'credit', '2022-05-20 21:06:41'), ('117389484', '26408', 'debit', '2022-05-23 05:29:00'), ('117692816', '2374173', 'credit', '2022-05-24 17:42:57'), ('117996148', '1027521', 'debit', '2022-05-26 14:28:38'), ('118299480', '2427148', 'debit', '2022-05-28 10:17:39'), ('118602812', '2479784', 'debit', '2022-05-30 13:30:30'), ('118906144', '2465531', 'credit', '2022-06-01 08:04:51'), ('119209476', '1147022', 'debit', '2022-06-02 22:32:21'), ('119512808', '2544972', 'debit', '2022-06-05 08:21:44'), ('119816140', '2265094', 'debit', '2022-06-07 07:34:40'), ('120119472', '2561876', 'debit', '2022-06-09 02:25:15'), ('120726136', '2441130', 'credit', '2022-06-13 13:45:09'), ('121029468', '2097955', 'credit', '2022-06-15 12:27:10'), ('121332800', '82992', 'debit', '2022-06-17 12:15:03'), ('121636132', '112260', 'credit', '2022-06-19 21:07:58'), ('121939464', '1960647', 'credit', '2022-06-21 19:10:34'), ('122242796', '2453099', 'credit', '2022-06-23 18:13:55'), ('122546128', '230794', 'credit', '2022-06-25 21:13:36'), ('122849460', '2172740', 'credit', '2022-06-28 05:58:27'), ('123152792', '1126197', 'debit', '2022-06-30 06:02:07') ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION count_btween_timestamps --Define the input parameters ( @Table_name text, @Start_timestamp timestamp, @End_timestamp timestamp) --Define the output data type. RETURNS INT AS --Calculate the RETURN of the function. BEGIN --Declare local variables --Temporarily holds @EndDate during date reversal. DECLARE @Swap DATETIME --If the Start Date is null, return a NULL and exit. IF @Start_timestamp IS NULL RETURN NULL --If the End Date is null, populate with Start Date value so will have two dates (required by DATEDIFF below). IF @End_timestamp IS NULL SELECT @End_timestamp = @Start_timestamp --Strip the time element from both dates (just to be safe) by converting to whole days and back to a date. --Usually faster than CONVERT. --0 is a date (01/01/1900 00:00:00.000) SELECT @Start_timestamp= DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,@Start_timestamp), 0), @End_timestamp = DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,@End_timestamp) , 0) --If the inputs are in the wrong order, reverse them. IF @Start_timestamp > @End_timestamp SELECT @Swap = @End_timestamp, @End_timestamp =@Start_timestamp, @Start_timestamp = @Swap --Calculate and return the number of workdays using the input parameters. --This is the meat of the function. --This is really just one formula with a couple of parts that are listed on separate lines for documentation purposes. RETURN ( SELECT --Start with total number of days including weekends (DATEDIFF(dd,@Start_timestamp, @EndDate)+1) --Subtact 2 days for each full weekend -(DATEDIFF(wk,@Start_timestamp, @EndDate)*2) --If StartDate is a Sunday, Subtract 1 -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @Start_timestamp) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) --If EndDate is a Saturday, Subtract 1 -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @EndDate) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ) END GO CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION count_btween_timestamps --Define the input parameters ( @Table_name text, @Start_timestamp timestamp, @End_timestamp timestamp) RETURNS integer AS $total$ declare total integer; BEGIN SELECT count(*) into total FROM [Table_name] Where inserted_at between [Start_timestamp] and [End_timestamp]; RETURN total; END; $total$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; select * FROM count_btween_timestamps('ride', '2022-04-01', '2022-05-01');
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