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SQL code:
CREATE TABLE Branch_offices (Branch_code INT PRIMARY KEY, Location_ varchar2(255), Opening_hours varchar2(255), Phone_number char(5) ); CREATE TABLE Departments (Department_code INT PRIMARY KEY, Department_name varchar2(255), Opening_hours varchar2(255), Branch INT, Equipment INT, CONSTRAINT Branch_offices_Departments_FK FOREIGN KEY (Branch) REFERENCES Branch_offices(Branch_code) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Personal_access_code int PRIMARY KEY, Full_name varchar2(255), Date_of_birth date, Position_ varchar2(255), Phone_number char(5), Department int, CONSTRAINT Departments_Staff_FK FOREIGN KEY (Department) REFERENCES Departments(Department_code) ); CREATE TABLE Clients (Client_code int PRIMARY KEY, Full_name varchar2(255), TIN int, Passport_information int, Personal_bank_account int, Personal_manager int, CONSTRAINT Staff_Clients_FK FOREIGN KEY (Personal_manager) REFERENCES Staff(Personal_access_code) ); CREATE TABLE Active_customer_transactions (Transaction_number int PRIMARY KEY, Date_of_transaction date, Organisation int, Transaction_amount int, Assignment_o_the_operation varchar2(255), CONSTRAINT Clients_Active_customer_transactions_FK FOREIGN KEY (Organisation) REFERENCES Clients(Client_code) ); insert all into Branch_offices(Branch_code ,Location_ , Opening_hours, Phone_number) values ('100001', 'Апрелевка', '8:00-22:00', '35212') into Branch_offices(Branch_code ,Location_ , Opening_hours, Phone_number) values ('100002', 'Нарофоминск', '8:00-20:00', '35224') into Branch_offices(Branch_code ,Location_ , Opening_hours, Phone_number) values ('100003', 'Московский', '8:00-23:00', '35567') into Branch_offices(Branch_code ,Location_ , Opening_hours, Phone_number) values ('100004', 'Зеленоград', '10:00-20:00', '35876') into Branch_offices(Branch_code ,Location_ , Opening_hours, Phone_number) values ('100005', 'Иваново', '10:00-20:00', '35123') SELECT * FROM dual; insert all into Departments(Department_code, Department_name, Opening_hours, Branch, Equipment) values ('101', 'Финансовый отдел 1', '8:00-22:00', '100001', '2') into Departments(Department_code, Department_name, Opening_hours, Branch, Equipment) values ('202', 'Финансовый отдел 2', '8:00-22:00', '100002', '5') into Departments(Department_code, Department_name, Opening_hours, Branch, Equipment) values ('303', 'Финансовый отдел 3', '8:00-23:00', '100003', '20') into Departments(Department_code, Department_name, Opening_hours, Branch, Equipment) values ('404', 'Финансовый отдел 4', '9:00-21:00', '100004', '4') into Departments(Department_code, Department_name, Opening_hours, Branch, Equipment) values ('505', 'Финансовый отдел 5', '9:00-20:00', '100005', '3') SELECT * FROM dual; insert all into Staff(Personal_access_code, Full_name, Date_of_birth, Position_ , Phone_number, Department) values ('4001', 'Грицун Игорь Валерьевич', '22-MAR-04', 'Менеджер', '75321', '101') into Staff(Personal_access_code, Full_name, Date_of_birth, Position_ , Phone_number, Department) values ('4065', 'Сысоев Владимир Анатольевич', '19-DEC-96', 'Кассир', '85635', '202') into Staff(Personal_access_code, Full_name, Date_of_birth, Position_ , Phone_number, Department) values ('4078', 'Железняк Борис Аркадьевич', '15-APR-00', 'Старший менеджер', '67890', '303') into Staff(Personal_access_code, Full_name, Date_of_birth, Position_ , Phone_number, Department) values ('4021', 'Жуков Игорь Витальевич', '20-DEC-89', 'Менеджер', '65436', '404') into Staff(Personal_access_code, Full_name, Date_of_birth, Position_ , Phone_number, Department) values ('4056', 'Мартыненко Анатолий Викторович', '30-JUN-90', 'Старший менеджер', '98987', '505') SELECT * FROM dual; insert all into Clients(Client_code, Full_name, TIN, Passport_information, Personal_bank_account, Personal_manager) values ('80000001', 'Кошелева Виктория Андреевна', '781633333333', '4524655578', '102485', '4001') into Clients(Client_code, Full_name, TIN, Passport_information, Personal_bank_account, Personal_manager) values ('80000025', 'Максимова Кристина Владиславовна', '781633458625', '4524487562', '102985', '4065') into Clients(Client_code, Full_name, TIN, Passport_information, Personal_bank_account, Personal_manager) values ('80000065', 'Баранцева Надежда Антоновна', '452658954521', '4518499965', '102456', '4078') into Clients(Client_code, Full_name, TIN, Passport_information, Personal_bank_account, Personal_manager) values ('80000087', 'Тамаренко Павел Вадимович', '542632518476', '4519485632', '103524', '4021') into Clients(Client_code, Full_name, TIN, Passport_information, Personal_bank_account, Personal_manager) values ('80000091', 'Шевцов Артемий Ильдарович', '457982645478', '4520859789', '108524', '4056') SELECT * FROM dual; insert all into Active_customer_transactions (Transaction_number, Date_of_transaction, Organisation, Transaction_amount, Assignment_o_the_operation) values ('50000001', '10-NOV-24', '80000001', '102865', 'Прокупка товаров') into Active_customer_transactions (Transaction_number, Date_of_transaction, Organisation, Transaction_amount, Assignment_o_the_operation) values ('50000078', '11-NOV-24', '80000025', '787956', 'Перевод средств') into Active_customer_transactions (Transaction_number, Date_of_transaction, Organisation, Transaction_amount, Assignment_o_the_operation) values ('50001526', '12-NOV-24', '80000065', '202500', 'Оплата услуг') into Active_customer_transactions (Transaction_number, Date_of_transaction, Organisation, Transaction_amount, Assignment_o_the_operation) values ('50012498', '13-NOV-24', '80000087', '500000', 'Перевод средств') into Active_customer_transactions (Transaction_number, Date_of_transaction, Organisation, Transaction_amount, Assignment_o_the_operation) values ('50012852', '14-NOV-24', '80000091', '120000', 'Покупка товаров') SELECT * FROM dual; alter table Staff ADD (email varchar2(255) default 'Unknown'); update staff set email = case when Personal_access_code = 4001 then 'artem.gyrgyfr@yandex.ru' when Personal_access_code = 4065 then 'sysoev.deu@mail.ru' when Personal_access_code = 4078 then 'ABZhelezn@yandex.ru' when Personal_access_code = 4021 then 'Jukov.AV@gmail.ru' when Personal_access_code = 4056 then 'Martynenko.fr@mail.ru' end; alter table Clients add (Passport_information_2 VARCHAR2(255)); update Clients set Passport_information_2 = TO_CHAR(Passport_information); alter table Clients drop column Passport_information; alter table Clients rename column Passport_information_2 to Passport_information; update Staff set Position_ = case when Personal_access_code = 4065 then 'Менеджер' when Personal_access_code = 4021 then 'Старший менеджер' else Position_ end; select * from Branch_offices; select * from Departments; select * from Staff; select * from Clients; select * from Active_customer_transactions;
MariaDB 11.4
MariaDB 11.5
MariaDB 10
MariaDB 10 Sakila (ReadOnly)
MySQL 5.7
MySQL 5.7 Sakila (ReadOnly)
MySQL 8.0
MySQL 8.0 Sakila (ReadOnly)
SQLite 3
SQLite 3 Preloaded
PostgreSQL 10 Bookings (ReadOnly)
PostgreSQL 11
PostgreSQL 12
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MS SQL Server 2017
MS SQL Server 2019
MS SQL Server 2022
MS SQL Server 2022 AdventureWorks (ReadOnly)
Firebird 4.0
Firebird 4.0 (Employee)
Oracle Database 19c (HR)
Oracle Database 21c
Oracle Database 23c Free
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