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-- Oracle (21) with current_date as ( select trunc(sysdate) as cd from dual ), t as ( select cd as today, trunc(cd, 'MM') as first_day_of_month, add_months(trunc(cd, 'MM'), 1) - 1 as last_day_of_month, to_char(trunc(cd, 'MM'), 'IW') as week_of_fdm, to_char(add_months(trunc(cd, 'MM'), 1) - 1, 'IW') as week_of_ldm from current_date ), days_set as ( select level as lvl, t.first_day_of_month -7 + level-1 as day, to_char(t.first_day_of_month -7 + level-1, 'IW') as week_id from t connect by (t.first_day_of_month -7 + level-1) < (t.last_day_of_month +7) ), days_and_week as ( select days_set.lvl, case when days_set.day between t.first_day_of_month and t.last_day_of_month then lpad(ltrim(to_char(days_set.day, 'DD'), '0'), 2, ' ') when days_set.day < t.first_day_of_month then ' ' when days_set.day > t.last_day_of_month then ' ' else '' end as dd, week_id from days_set, t where days_set.week_id between t.week_of_fdm and week_of_ldm ) select 'пн | вт | ср | чт | пт | сб | вс' as calendar from dual union all select listagg(dd, ' | ') within group(order by lvl) from days_and_week group by week_id ;
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