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CREATE TABLE salesman ( salesman_id NUMBER(4) PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR2(20), city VARCHAR2(20), commission VARCHAR2(20) ); CREATE TABLE customer ( customer_id NUMBER(4) PRIMARY KEY, cust_name VARCHAR2(20), city VARCHAR2(20), grade NUMBER(3), salesman_id REFERENCES salesman(salesman_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE orders ( ord_no NUMBER(5) PRIMARY KEY, purchase_amt NUMBER(10, 2), ord_date DATE, customer_id REFERENCES customer(customer_id) ON DELETE CASCADE, salesman_id REFERENCES salesman(salesman_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); INSERT INTO salesman VALUES ( 1000, 'John', 'Bangalore', '25%' ); INSERT INTO salesman VALUES ( 2000, 'Ravi', 'Bangalore', '20%' ); INSERT INTO salesman VALUES ( 3000, 'Kumar', 'Mysore', '15%' ); INSERT INTO salesman VALUES ( 4000, 'Smith', 'Delhi', '30%' ); INSERT INTO salesman VALUES ( 5000, 'Harsha', 'Hyderabad', '15%' ); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ( 10, 'Preethi', 'Bangalore', 100, 1000 ); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ( 11, 'Vivek', 'Mangalore', 300, 1000 ); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ( 12, 'Bhaskar', 'Chennai', 400, 2000 ); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ( 13, 'Chethan', 'Bangalore', 200, 2000 ); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ( 14, 'Mamtha', 'Bangalore', 400, 3000 ); INSERT INTO orders VALUES ( 50, 5000, '04-May-17', 10, 1000 ); INSERT INTO orders VALUES ( 51, 450, '20-Jan-17', 10, 2000 ); INSERT INTO orders VALUES ( 52, 1000, '24-Feb-17', 11, 2000 ); INSERT INTO orders VALUES ( 53, 3500, '13-Apr-17', 13, 3000 ); INSERT INTO orders VALUES ( 54, 550, '09-Mar-17', 14, 2000 ); -- Count the customers with grades above Bangalore's average. SELECT grade, COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) FROM customer GROUP BY grade HAVING grade > ( SELECT AVG(grade) FROM customer WHERE city = 'bangalore' ); -- Find the name and numbers of all salesmen who had more than one customer. SELECT salesman_id, name FROM salesman a WHERE 1 < ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customer WHERE salesman_id = a.salesman_id ); -- List all salesmen and indicate those who have and don’t have customers -- in their cities (Use UNION operation.) SELECT s.salesman_id, name, cust_name FROM salesman s, customer c WHERE s.city = c.city UNION SELECT salesman_id, name, 'NO MATCH' FROM salesman WHERE city NOT IN ( SELECT city FROM customer ); -- Create a view that finds the salesman who has the customer with the -- highest order of a day. CREATE VIEW elitsalesman AS SELECT b.ord_date, a.salesman_id, a.name FROM salesman a, orders b WHERE a.salesman_id = b.salesman_id AND b.purchase_amt = ( SELECT MAX(purchase_amt) FROM orders c WHERE c.ord_date = b.ord_date ); SELECT * FROM elitsalesman; -- Demonstrate the DELETE operation by removing salesman with id 1000. DELETE FROM salesman WHERE salesman_id = 1000; SELECT * FROM salesman; SELECT grade, COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) FROM customer GROUP BY grade HAVING grade > ( SELECT AVG(grade) FROM customer WHERE city = 'Bangalore' );
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