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with tb as (select '1.a3453689f' as c1, '10аd45468' as c2 from dual) ,res1 as ( SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (c1, '.{1}', 1, level) AS v1, level as lv1 FROM tb CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR (c1, '.{1}', 1, level) IS NOT NULL ) ,res2 as ( SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (c2, '.{1}', 1, level) AS v2, level as lv2 FROM tb CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR (c2, '.{1}', 1, level) IS NOT NULL ) ,res3 as ( select lv1 as lv from res1 union select lv2 as lv from res2 ) select a.lv as num_sm, b.v1, c.v2 from res3 a left join res1 b on a.lv = b.lv1 left join res2 c on a.lv = c.lv2 where b.v1 <> c.v2 or b.v1 is null or c.v2 is null order by a.lv

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