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CREATE TABLE regions ( region_id NUMBER CONSTRAINT region_id_nn NOT NULL , region_name VARCHAR2(25) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX reg_id_pk ON regions (region_id); ALTER TABLE regions ADD ( CONSTRAINT reg_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (region_id) ) ; CREATE TABLE countries ( country_id CHAR(2) CONSTRAINT country_id_nn NOT NULL, country_name VARCHAR2(40), region_id NUMBER, CONSTRAINT country_c_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (country_id) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX; ALTER TABLE countries ADD ( CONSTRAINT countr_reg_fk FOREIGN KEY (region_id) REFERENCES regions(region_id) ) ; CREATE TABLE locations ( location_id NUMBER(4) , street_address VARCHAR2(40) , postal_code VARCHAR2(12) , city VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT loc_city_nn NOT NULL , state_province VARCHAR2(25) , country_id CHAR(2) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX loc_id_pk ON locations (location_id) ; ALTER TABLE locations ADD ( CONSTRAINT loc_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (location_id) , CONSTRAINT loc_c_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (country_id) REFERENCES countries(country_id) ) ; CREATE SEQUENCE locations_seq START WITH 3300 INCREMENT BY 100 MAXVALUE 9900 NOCACHE NOCYCLE; CREATE TABLE departments ( department_id NUMBER(4) , department_name VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT dept_name_nn NOT NULL , manager_id NUMBER(6) , location_id NUMBER(4) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dept_id_pk ON departments (department_id) ; ALTER TABLE departments ADD ( CONSTRAINT dept_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (department_id) , CONSTRAINT dept_loc_fk FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES locations (location_id) ) ; CREATE SEQUENCE departments_seq START WITH 280 INCREMENT BY 10 MAXVALUE 9990 NOCACHE NOCYCLE; CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id VARCHAR2(10) , job_title VARCHAR2(35) CONSTRAINT job_title_nn NOT NULL , min_salary NUMBER(6) , max_salary NUMBER(6) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX job_id_pk ON jobs (job_id) ; ALTER TABLE jobs ADD ( CONSTRAINT job_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(job_id) ) ; CREATE TABLE employees ( employee_id NUMBER(6) , first_name VARCHAR2(20) , last_name VARCHAR2(25) CONSTRAINT emp_last_name_nn NOT NULL , email VARCHAR2(25) CONSTRAINT emp_email_nn NOT NULL , phone_number VARCHAR2(20) , hire_date DATE CONSTRAINT emp_hire_date_nn NOT NULL , job_id VARCHAR2(10) CONSTRAINT emp_job_nn NOT NULL , salary NUMBER(8,2) , commission_pct NUMBER(2,2) , manager_id NUMBER(6) , department_id NUMBER(4) , CONSTRAINT emp_salary_min CHECK (salary > 0) , CONSTRAINT emp_email_uk UNIQUE (email) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX emp_emp_id_pk ON employees (employee_id) ; ALTER TABLE employees ADD ( CONSTRAINT emp_emp_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (employee_id) , CONSTRAINT emp_dept_fk FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES departments , CONSTRAINT emp_job_fk FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES jobs (job_id) , CONSTRAINT emp_manager_fk FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES employees ) ; ALTER TABLE departments ADD ( CONSTRAINT dept_mgr_fk FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES employees (employee_id) ) ; CREATE SEQUENCE employees_seq START WITH 207 INCREMENT BY 1 NOCACHE NOCYCLE; CREATE TABLE job_history ( employee_id NUMBER(6) CONSTRAINT jhist_employee_nn NOT NULL , start_date DATE CONSTRAINT jhist_start_date_nn NOT NULL , end_date DATE CONSTRAINT jhist_end_date_nn NOT NULL , job_id VARCHAR2(10) CONSTRAINT jhist_job_nn NOT NULL , department_id NUMBER(4) , CONSTRAINT jhist_date_interval CHECK (end_date > start_date) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX jhist_emp_id_st_date_pk ON job_history (employee_id, start_date) ; ALTER TABLE job_history ADD ( CONSTRAINT jhist_emp_id_st_date_pk PRIMARY KEY (employee_id, start_date) , CONSTRAINT jhist_job_fk FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES jobs , CONSTRAINT jhist_emp_fk FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES employees , CONSTRAINT jhist_dept_fk FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES departments ) ; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW emp_details_view (employee_id, job_id, manager_id, department_id, location_id, country_id, first_name, last_name, salary, commission_pct, department_name, job_title, city, state_province, country_name, region_name) AS SELECT e.employee_id, e.job_id, e.manager_id, e.department_id, d.location_id, l.country_id, e.first_name, e.last_name, e.salary, e.commission_pct, d.department_name, j.job_title, l.city, l.state_province, c.country_name, r.region_name FROM employees e, departments d, jobs j, locations l, countries c, regions r WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id AND d.location_id = l.location_id AND l.country_id = c.country_id AND c.region_id = r.region_id AND j.job_id = e.job_id WITH READ ONLY; COMMIT; INSERT INTO regions VALUES ( 1 , 'Europe' ); INSERT INTO regions VALUES ( 2 , 'Americas' ); INSERT INTO regions VALUES ( 3 , 'Asia' ); INSERT INTO regions VALUES ( 4 , 'Middle East and Africa' ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'IT' , 'Italy' , 1 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'JP' , 'Japan' , 3 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'US' , 'United States of America' , 2 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'CA' , 'Canada' , 2 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'CN' , 'China' , 3 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'IN' , 'India' , 3 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'AU' , 'Australia' , 3 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'ZW' , 'Zimbabwe' , 4 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'SG' , 'Singapore' , 3 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'UK' , 'United Kingdom' , 1 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'FR' , 'France' , 1 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'DE' , 'Germany' , 1 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'ZM' , 'Zambia' , 4 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'EG' , 'Egypt' , 4 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'BR' , 'Brazil' , 2 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'CH' , 'Switzerland' , 1 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'NL' , 'Netherlands' , 1 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'MX' , 'Mexico' , 2 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'KW' , 'Kuwait' , 4 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'IL' , 'Israel' , 4 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'DK' , 'Denmark' , 1 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'HK' , 'HongKong' , 3 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'NG' , 'Nigeria' , 4 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'AR' , 'Argentina' , 2 ); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ( 'BE' , 'Belgium' , 1 ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 1000 , '1297 Via Cola di Rie' , '00989' , 'Roma' , NULL , 'IT' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 1100 , '93091 Calle della Testa' , '10934' , 'Venice' , NULL , 'IT' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 1200 , '2017 Shinjuku-ku' , '1689' , 'Tokyo' , 'Tokyo Prefecture' , 'JP' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 1300 , '9450 Kamiya-cho' , '6823' , 'Hiroshima' , NULL , 'JP' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 1400 , '2014 Jabberwocky Rd' , '26192' , 'Southlake' , 'Texas' , 'US' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 1500 , '2011 Interiors Blvd' , '99236' , 'South San Francisco' , 'California' , 'US' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 1600 , '2007 Zagora St' , '50090' , 'South Brunswick' , 'New Jersey' , 'US' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 1700 , '2004 Charade Rd' , '98199' , 'Seattle' , 'Washington' , 'US' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 1800 , '147 Spadina Ave' , 'M5V 2L7' , 'Toronto' , 'Ontario' , 'CA' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 1900 , '6092 Boxwood St' , 'YSW 9T2' , 'Whitehorse' , 'Yukon' , 'CA' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 2000 , '40-5-12 Laogianggen' , '190518' , 'Beijing' , NULL , 'CN' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 2100 , '1298 Vileparle (E)' , '490231' , 'Bombay' , 'Maharashtra' , 'IN' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 2200 , '12-98 Victoria Street' , '2901' , 'Sydney' , 'New South Wales' , 'AU' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 2300 , '198 Clementi North' , '540198' , 'Singapore' , NULL , 'SG' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 2400 , '8204 Arthur St' , NULL , 'London' , NULL , 'UK' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 2500 , 'Magdalen Centre, The Oxford Science Park' , 'OX9 9ZB' , 'Oxford' , 'Oxford' , 'UK' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 2600 , '9702 Chester Road' , '09629850293' , 'Stretford' , 'Manchester' , 'UK' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 2700 , 'Schwanthalerstr. 7031' , '80925' , 'Munich' , 'Bavaria' , 'DE' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 2800 , 'Rua Frei Caneca 1360 ' , '01307-002' , 'Sao Paulo' , 'Sao Paulo' , 'BR' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 2900 , '20 Rue des Corps-Saints' , '1730' , 'Geneva' , 'Geneve' , 'CH' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 3000 , 'Murtenstrasse 921' , '3095' , 'Bern' , 'BE' , 'CH' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 3100 , 'Pieter Breughelstraat 837' , '3029SK' , 'Utrecht' , 'Utrecht' , 'NL' ); INSERT INTO locations VALUES ( 3200 , 'Mariano Escobedo 9991' , '11932' , 'Mexico City' , 'Distrito Federal,' , 'MX' ); ALTER TABLE departments DISABLE CONSTRAINT dept_mgr_fk; INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 10 , 'Administration' , 200 , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 20 , 'Marketing' , 201 , 1800 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 30 , 'Purchasing' , 114 , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 40 , 'Human Resources' , 203 , 2400 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 50 , 'Shipping' , 121 , 1500 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 60 , 'IT' , 103 , 1400 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 70 , 'Public Relations' , 204 , 2700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 80 , 'Sales' , 145 , 2500 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 90 , 'Executive' , 100 , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 100 , 'Finance' , 108 , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 110 , 'Accounting' , 205 , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 120 , 'Treasury' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 130 , 'Corporate Tax' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 140 , 'Control And Credit' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 150 , 'Shareholder Services' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 160 , 'Benefits' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 170 , 'Manufacturing' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 180 , 'Construction' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 190 , 'Contracting' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 200 , 'Operations' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 210 , 'IT Support' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 220 , 'NOC' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 230 , 'IT Helpdesk' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 240 , 'Government Sales' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 250 , 'Retail Sales' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 260 , 'Recruiting' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 270 , 'Payroll' , NULL , 1700 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'AD_PRES' , 'President' , 20000 , 40000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'AD_VP' , 'Administration Vice President' , 15000 , 30000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'AD_ASST' , 'Administration Assistant' , 3000 , 6000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'FI_MGR' , 'Finance Manager' , 8200 , 16000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'FI_ACCOUNT' , 'Accountant' , 4200 , 9000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'AC_MGR' , 'Accounting Manager' , 8200 , 16000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'AC_ACCOUNT' , 'Public Accountant' , 4200 , 9000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'SA_MAN' , 'Sales Manager' , 10000 , 20000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'SA_REP' , 'Sales Representative' , 6000 , 12000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'PU_MAN' , 'Purchasing Manager' , 8000 , 15000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'PU_CLERK' , 'Purchasing Clerk' , 2500 , 5500 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'ST_MAN' , 'Stock Manager' , 5500 , 8500 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'ST_CLERK' , 'Stock Clerk' , 2000 , 5000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'SH_CLERK' , 'Shipping Clerk' , 2500 , 5500 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'IT_PROG' , 'Programmer' , 4000 , 10000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'MK_MAN' , 'Marketing Manager' , 9000 , 15000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'MK_REP' , 'Marketing Representative' , 4000 , 9000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'HR_REP' , 'Human Resources Representative' , 4000 , 9000 ); INSERT INTO jobs VALUES ( 'PR_REP' , 'Public Relations Representative' , 4500 , 10500 ); COMMIT;

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