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-- Preparation: Drop the index if it exists to ensure clean testing DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_title ON film; -- Step 1: Explain the query without an index on `title` EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM film WHERE title = 'ALONE TRIP'; -- Step 2: Create an index on the `title` column CREATE INDEX idx_title ON film(title); -- Step 3: Explain the query again to observe index usage EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM film WHERE title = 'ALONE TRIP'; -- Step 4: Explain a query that uses a `title` range condition (`title > 'ALONE TRIP'`) EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM film WHERE title > 'ALONE TRIP'; -- Step 5: Explain a query that groups by `rating` without an index EXPLAIN SELECT rating, COUNT(*) FROM film GROUP BY rating; -- Step 6: Create an index on the `rating` column CREATE INDEX idx_rating ON film(rating); -- Step 7: Explain the query from Step 5 again to see index usage on `rating` EXPLAIN SELECT rating, COUNT(*) FROM film GROUP BY rating;

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