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-- Drop the Table if it exists DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_employees; CREATE TABLE tbl_employees ( emp_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, emp_name VARCHAR(50), emp_departmentid INT, emp_salary DECIMAL(10, 2) ); INSERT INTO tbl_employees(emp_name, emp_departmentid, emp_salary) VALUES ('Nicole', 2, 1421.42), ('Michael', 3, 4262.53), ('Vince', 1, 6314.96), ('Kobe', 2, 8361.21), ('Bryan', 3, 3626.64), ('Loki', 1, 1332.12), ('Tomo', 3, 12242.88), ('Vilma', 3, 6327.24), ('Petra', 1, 4829.84); -- Drop the Function if it exists DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS fn_getEmpNameByEmpDeptID; -- Create the Function with Two Parameters DELIMITER $$ CREATE FUNCTION fn_getEmpNameByEmpDeptID(_id INT, _department_id INT) RETURNS VARCHAR(50) BEGIN DECLARE _EmpName VARCHAR(50); SELECT emp_name INTO _EmpName FROM tbl_employees WHERE _id = emp_id AND _department_id = emp_departmentid LIMIT 1; RETURN _EmpName; END $$ DELIMITER ; -- EXECUTE SELECT fn_getEmpNameByEmpDeptID(1, 2); SELECT fn_getEmpNameByEmpDeptID(1, 3); SELECT fn_getEmpNameByEmpDeptID(8, 3); SELECT * FROM tbl_employees ORDER BY emp_departmentid;

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