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create procedure syn.usp_ImportFileCustomerSeasonal @ID_Record int as set nocount on begin declare @RowCount int = (select count(*) from syn.SA_CustomerSeasonal) declare @ErrorMessage varchar(max) -- Проверка на корректность загрузки if not exists ( select 1 from syn.ImportFile as f where f.ID = @ID_Record and f.FlagLoaded = cast(1 as bit) ) begin set @ErrorMessage = 'Ошибка при загрузке файла, проверьте корректность данных' raiserror(@ErrorMessage, 3, 1) return end CREATE TABLE #ProcessedRows ( ActionType varchar(255), ID int ) --Чтение из слоя временных данных select cc.ID as ID_dbo_Customer ,cst.ID as ID_CustomerSystemType ,s.ID as ID_Season ,cast(cs.DateBegin as date) as DateBegin ,cast(cs.DateEnd as date) as DateEnd ,cd.ID as ID_dbo_CustomerDistributor ,cast(isnull(cs.FlagActive, 0) as bit) as FlagActive into #CustomerSeasonal from syn.SA_CustomerSeasonal cs join dbo.Customer as cc on cc.UID_DS = cs.UID_DS_Customer and cc.ID_mapping_DataSource = 1 join dbo.Season as s on s.Name = cs.Season join dbo.Customer as cd on cd.UID_DS = cs.UID_DS_CustomerDistributor and cd.ID_mapping_DataSource = 1 join syn.CustomerSystemType as cst on cs.CustomerSystemType = cst.Name where try_cast(cs.DateBegin as date) is not null and try_cast(cs.DateEnd as date) is not null and try_cast(isnull(cs.FlagActive, 0) as bit) is not null -- Определяем некорректные записи -- Добавляем причину, по которой запись считается некорректной select cs.* ,case when cc.ID is null then 'UID клиента отсутствует в справочнике "Клиент"' when cd.ID is null then 'UID дистрибьютора отсутствует в справочнике "Клиент"' when s.ID is null then 'Сезон отсутствует в справочнике "Сезон"' when cst.ID is null then 'Тип клиента в справочнике "Тип клиента"' when try_cast(cs.DateBegin as date) is null then 'Невозможно определить Дату начала' when try_cast(cs.DateEnd as date) is null then 'Невозможно определить Дату начала' when try_cast(isnull(cs.FlagActive, 0) as bit) is null then 'Невозможно определить Активность' end as Reason into #BadInsertedRows from syn.SA_CustomerSeasonal as cs left join dbo.Customer as cc on cc.UID_DS = cs.UID_DS_Customer and cc.ID_mapping_DataSource = 1 left join dbo.Customer as cd on cd.UID_DS = cs.UID_DS_CustomerDistributor and cd.ID_mapping_DataSource = 1 left join dbo.Season as s on s.Name = cs.Season left join syn.CustomerSystemType as cst on cst.Name = cs.CustomerSystemType where cc.ID is null or cd.ID is null or s.ID is null or cst.ID is null or try_cast(cs.DateBegin as date) is null or try_cast(cs.DateEnd as date) is null or try_cast(isnull(cs.FlagActive, 0) as bit) is null end

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