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CREATE DATABASE grubhub; USE grubhub; -- Table for Customer CREATE TABLE Customer ( CustomerID INT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(100), Address VARCHAR(255), PhoneNumber VARCHAR(15), PaymentID INT, FOREIGN KEY (PaymentID) REFERENCES Payment(PaymentID) ); -- Table for Restaurant CREATE TABLE Restaurant ( RestaurantID INT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(100), Address VARCHAR(255), PhoneNumber VARCHAR(15), Cuisine VARCHAR(50), PaymentID INT, FOREIGN KEY (PaymentID) REFERENCES Payment(PaymentID) ); -- Table for Driver CREATE TABLE Driver ( DriverID INT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(100), LicensePlate VARCHAR(20), PhoneNumber VARCHAR(15), Status VARCHAR(20), DriverLicenseNumber VARCHAR(20) ); -- Table for Order CREATE TABLE `Order` ( OrderID INT PRIMARY KEY, Timestamp DATETIME, Status VARCHAR(50), PaymentID INT, CustomerID INT, RestaurantID INT, DriverID INT, FOREIGN KEY (PaymentID) REFERENCES Payment(PaymentID), FOREIGN KEY (CustomerID) REFERENCES Customer(CustomerID), FOREIGN KEY (RestaurantID) REFERENCES Restaurant(RestaurantID), FOREIGN KEY (DriverID) REFERENCES Driver(DriverID) ); -- Table for Payment CREATE TABLE Payment ( PaymentID INT PRIMARY KEY, Amount DECIMAL(10, 2), PaymentMethod VARCHAR(50), TransactionDetails VARCHAR(255) ); -- Inserting into Payment table INSERT INTO Payment (PaymentID, Amount, PaymentMethod, TransactionDetails) VALUES (23456, 29.99, 'Credit Card', 'Transaction_23456'), (23457, 19.99, 'PayPal', 'Transaction_23457'), (23979, 49.99, 'Debit Card', 'Transaction_23979'), (23910, 24.99, 'Cash', 'Transaction_23910'), (23911, 39.99, 'Credit Card', 'Transaction_23911'); -- Inserting into Customer table INSERT INTO Customer (CustomerID, Name, Address, PhoneNumber, PaymentID) VALUES (1, 'April Ludgate', '1235 5th Ave, Omaha, NE 68132', '402-532-5437', 23456), (2, 'April Ludgate', '1235 5th Ave, Omaha, NE 68132', '402-532-5437', 23456), (3, 'Leslie Knope', '489 Waffles Drive, Pawnee, IN 46011', '202-324-5497', 23979), (4, 'Ron Swanson', '987 Bacon Avenue, Pawnee, IN 46011', '656-987-3265', 23979), (5, 'Andy Dwyer', '246B The Pit, Pawnee, IN 46011', '402-500-3200', 23910); -- Inserting into Restaurant table INSERT INTO Restaurant (RestaurantID, Name, Address, PhoneNumber, Cuisine, PaymentID) VALUES (2345, 'Paunch Burger', '687 Land Lane, Pawnee, IN 46011', '315-634-5869', 'Fast food', 23456), (2346, 'Paunch Burger', '687 Land Lane, Pawnee, IN 46011', '315-634-5869', 'Fast food', 23456), (2435, 'JJ Diner', '2348 Main St, Pawnee, IN 46011', '865-459-5489', 'Breakfast', 23911), (2399, 'Mulligans', '324 Steakhouse Dr, Pawnee, IN 46011', '516-783-5698', 'Steakhouse', 23979); -- Inserting into Driver table INSERT INTO Driver (DriverID, Name, LicensePlate, PhoneNumber, Status, DriverLicenseNumber) VALUES (4826, 'Henry Roth', 'UC0497909', '(206) 897-1250', 'Active', 'REW229'), (4827, 'Charity Osborne', 'UC0497977', '(815) 503-0386', 'Inactive', 'REW227'), (7823, 'Mitch Maxwell', 'UC0518712', '(716) 687-9319', 'Active', 'U054818'), (4829, 'Henry Roth', 'UC0497909', '(206) 897-1250', 'Inactive', 'REW221'); -- Inserting into Order table INSERT INTO `Order` (OrderID, Timestamp, Status, PaymentID, CustomerID, RestaurantID, DriverID) VALUES (344956, '2020-09-30 14:44:00', 'placed', 23456, 1, 2345, 4826), (344958, '2020-09-30 14:46:00', 'fulfilled', 23457, 2, 2346, 4827), (344959, '2020-09-30 14:48:00', 'cancelled', 23979, 3, 2435, 7823), (344960, '2020-09-30 14:50:00', 'out for delivery', 23910, 4, 2399, 4829);

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