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-- Inserting into Payment table INSERT INTO Payment (PaymentID, Amount, PaymentMethod, TransactionDetails) VALUES (23456, 29.99, 'Credit Card', 'Transaction_23456'), (23457, 19.99, 'PayPal', 'Transaction_23457'), (23979, 49.99, 'Debit Card', 'Transaction_23979'), (23910, 24.99, 'Cash', 'Transaction_23910'), (23911, 39.99, 'Credit Card', 'Transaction_23911'); -- Inserting into Customer table INSERT INTO Customer (CustomerID, Name, Address, PhoneNumber, PaymentID) VALUES (1, 'April Ludgate', '1235 5th Ave, Omaha, NE 68132', '402-532-5437', 23456), (2, 'April Ludgate', '1235 5th Ave, Omaha, NE 68132', '402-532-5437', 23456), (3, 'Leslie Knope', '489 Waffles Drive, Pawnee, IN 46011', '202-324-5497', 23979), (4, 'Ron Swanson', '987 Bacon Avenue, Pawnee, IN 46011', '656-987-3265', 23979), (5, 'Andy Dwyer', '246B The Pit, Pawnee, IN 46011', '402-500-3200', 23910); -- Inserting into Restaurant table INSERT INTO Restaurant (RestaurantID, Name, Address, PhoneNumber, Cuisine, PaymentID) VALUES (2345, 'Paunch Burger', '687 Land Lane, Pawnee, IN 46011', '315-634-5869', 'Fast food', 23456), (2346, 'Paunch Burger', '687 Land Lane, Pawnee, IN 46011', '315-634-5869', 'Fast food', 23456), (2435, 'JJ Diner', '2348 Main St, Pawnee, IN 46011', '865-459-5489', 'Breakfast', 23911), (2399, 'Mulligans', '324 Steakhouse Dr, Pawnee, IN 46011', '516-783-5698', 'Steakhouse', 23979); -- Inserting into Driver table INSERT INTO Driver (DriverID, Name, LicensePlate, PhoneNumber, Status, DriverLicenseNumber) VALUES (4826, 'Henry Roth', 'UC0497909', '(206) 897-1250', 'Active', 'REW229'), (4827, 'Charity Osborne', 'UC0497977', '(815) 503-0386', 'Inactive', 'REW227'), (7823, 'Mitch Maxwell', 'UC0518712', '(716) 687-9319', 'Active', 'U054818'), (4829, 'Henry Roth', 'UC0497909', '(206) 897-1250', 'Inactive', 'REW221'); -- Inserting into Order table INSERT INTO `Order` (OrderID, Timestamp, Status, PaymentID, CustomerID, RestaurantID, DriverID) VALUES (344956, '2020-09-30 14:44:00', 'placed', 23456, 1, 2345, 4826), (344958, '2020-09-30 14:46:00', 'fulfilled', 23457, 2, 2346, 4827), (344959, '2020-09-30 14:48:00', 'cancelled', 23979, 3, 2435, 7823), (344960, '2020-09-30 14:50:00', 'out for delivery', 23910, 4, 2399, 4829);

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