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-- >>> DATA QUERY SQL -- SELECT SELECT name, birthday FROM students; SELECT * FROM students; -- WHERE SELECT * FROM students WHERE weight > 60; SELECT * FROM students WHERE weight > 60 AND height > 170; SELECT * FROM students WHERE weight BETWEEN 55 AND 70; SELECT * FROM students WHERE YEAR(birthday) < 1990; -- COUNT SELECT count(*) FROM students; SELECT count(*) FROM students WHERE weight > 60; -- GROUPBY SELECT student_id, count(*) FROM scores GROUP BY student_id; SELECT YEAR(birthday) AS birthyear, count(*) FROM students GROUP BY birthyear; -- AGGREGATE SELECT student_id, MAX(score) FROM scores GROUP BY student_id; SELECT student_id, AVG(score) FROM scores GROUP BY student_id; -- JOIN SELECT a.student_id, name, subject, score FROM students a INNER JOIN scores b ON a.student_id = b.student_id; SELECT a.student_id, name, subject, score FROM students a LEFT JOIN scores b ON a.student_id = b.student_id; -- >>> DATA MANAGEMENT SQL -- RESET student_id (for restarting class) -- ALTER TABLE students AUTO_INCREMENT = 5; -- INSERT INSERT INTO students VALUES (5, 'Michael', '1991-03-21', 60, 160); INSERT INTO students VALUES (NULL, 'Sarah', '1991-04-18', 70, 170); -- UPDATE UPDATE students SET name="Tony" WHERE student_id = 5; -- DELETE DELETE FROM students WHERE student_id = 5; DELETE FROM students WHERE student_id > 4; -- >>> DATA DEFINITION SQL -- CREATE TABLE CREATE TABLE `students2` ( `student_id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `birthday` date NOT NULL, `weight` int NOT NULL, `height` int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`student_id`) ); -- INSERT TO CREATE SAMPLE DATA INSERT INTO students2 VALUES (NULL, 'David', '1991-03-21', 60, 160); INSERT INTO students2 VALUES (NULL, 'Sarah', '1991-04-18', 48, 152); -- ALTER TABLE ALTER TABLE students2 ADD shirt_size varchar(1); INSERT INTO students2 VALUES (NULL, 'Joe', '1990-06-12', 69, 184, 'M'); -- TRUNCATE TRUNCATE TABLE students2; -- DROP TABLE DROP TABLE students2; SELECT * FROM scores WHERE student_id > 2;
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