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-- create database create database csit; -- use database use csit; -- create table create table test (id int, name varchar(10), age int); -- add and drop constraints in existing columns alter table test alter column id int not null; alter table test alter column id int null; alter table test add constraint pk primary key (id); alter table test drop constraint pk; -- add new column in existing table with primary key and auto increment constraints alter table test add sn int identity primary key; -- display data select* from test; -- insert multiple data in single query insert into test (id, name, age) values (2,'ram',34), (4,'hari',35), (6,'gopal',37) ; -- delete multiple data in single query delete from test where sn in(1,3,5); -- update data update test set name='rahul' where id=4; -- Rename/change table name sp_rename 'test','tbltest'; -- Rename/change column name sp_rename 'tbltest.id','tid'; select* from tbltest;

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