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/* Build the schema with the given SQL code */ CREATE TABLE users ( id bigint distkey primary key , signed_up_time timestamp sortkey not null ); INSERT INTO users VALUES (21665572, '2019-08-06 22:15:07.000000'), (54371473, '2021-03-13 18:23:00.000000'), (35542086, '2020-03-30 07:30:43.000000'), (66277153, '2021-08-08 15:43:47.000000'), (66100073, '2021-08-05 18:14:41.000000'), ( 823086, '2017-09-04 20:25:10.000000'), (46003429, '2020-10-06 15:31:54.000000'), (23084377, '2019-09-05 19:06:15.000000'), ( 543404, '2017-06-04 18:25:37.000000'), (33159214, '2020-02-29 14:43:24.000000'); CREATE TABLE orders ( id bigint distkey primary key , creation_time timestamp sortkey not null , user_id bigint not null , store_id bigint , total_price float not null , final_status varchar(20) not null ); INSERT INTO orders VALUES (203279281,'2021-01-31 17:56:47.000000',46003429, 88059, 31 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (206329446,'2021-02-08 15:09:50.000000', 823086,206133, 65.85, 'CanceledStatus'), (212421733,'2021-02-24 11:57:56.000000',46003429, 81517, 40 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (233772332,'2021-04-22 18:48:50.000000',21665572,206133, 13.4 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (208651824,'2021-02-14 14:49:30.000000',46003429,206133, 40.4 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (210623539,'2021-02-19 18:47:45.000000', 823086,206133, 30 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (217869483,'2021-03-09 17:54:11.000000', 823086, 81517, 0 , 'CanceledStatus'), ( 58939645,'2019-08-15 22:41:30.000000', 543404, 12391, 6.5 ,'DeliveredStatus'), ( 96463197,'2020-01-31 22:20:34.000000',21665572,127484, 0 , 'CanceledStatus'), ( 63241735,'2019-09-08 11:32:57.000000',21665572, 55575, 37.65,'DeliveredStatus'), ( 59454444,'2019-08-18 19:45:53.000000', 543404, 12391, 6.5 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (212513212,'2021-02-24 16:10:40.000000',35542086,206133, 18.7 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (184213022,'2020-12-09 16:00:44.000000', 823086,206133, 30.15,'DeliveredStatus'), (162485047,'2020-10-07 07:34:52.000000',46003429, null, 14.2 ,'DeliveredStatus'), ( 73374015,'2019-10-26 11:16:36.000000',21665572, 49114, 29.55,'DeliveredStatus'), (195361592,'2021-01-10 15:56:39.000000',46003429,165703, 6.6 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (273415827,'2021-08-10 09:44:45.000000',66277153,170036, 10.15,'DeliveredStatus'), (146845287,'2020-08-15 11:58:16.000000',23084377,206133, 8.7 ,'DeliveredStatus'), ( 84584719,'2019-12-11 21:08:41.000000',21665572,206133, 16.7 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (184098974,'2020-12-09 10:30:42.000000',46003429, 88059, 20.5 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (274871238,'2021-08-14 11:56:57.000000',66277153,120341, 14 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (195966721,'2021-01-12 12:59:07.000000', 823086,165703, 4.2 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (115098638,'2020-04-21 19:39:02.000000',21665572, 91878, 23.5 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (210135143,'2021-02-18 14:53:30.000000',46003429,165703, 16.1 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (273414058,'2021-08-10 09:38:32.000000',66277153,170036, 20.6 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (189464608,'2020-12-23 17:05:00.000000',46003429,197609, 16 ,'DeliveredStatus'), ( 74418928,'2019-10-30 22:20:27.000000',21665572,206133, 16.8 ,'DeliveredStatus'), ( 95738805,'2020-01-28 20:52:44.000000',23084377,206133, 19.85,'DeliveredStatus'), (211448360,'2021-02-21 15:48:55.000000', 823086,206133, 40.85,'DeliveredStatus'), (183453430,'2020-12-07 14:16:53.000000', 823086,206133, 30.35, 'CanceledStatus'), (139135976,'2020-07-17 21:04:07.000000',21665572,206133, 8.7 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (209122467,'2021-02-15 15:26:24.000000',46003429,206133, 68.05,'DeliveredStatus'), (274795134,'2021-08-14 08:15:44.000000',66277153,170036, 66 ,'DeliveredStatus'), ( 72266196,'2019-10-20 21:27:00.000000',21665572,206133, 17.45,'DeliveredStatus'), (212287085,'2021-02-23 20:04:04.000000',46003429, 88059, 20 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (274100915,'2021-08-12 10:13:57.000000',66277153,170036, 50 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (180901552,'2020-11-30 16:04:45.000000',46003429,206133, 22.4 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (194992947,'2021-01-09 16:45:23.000000', 823086,206133, 27.9 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (215322188,'2021-03-03 15:37:07.000000',46003429, 52140, 41.2 , 'CanceledStatus'), (182199954,'2020-12-04 14:54:47.000000',46003429, 69356, 9.5 ,'DeliveredStatus'), ( 62611973,'2019-09-05 11:59:34.000000', 543404,100398, 19.65,'DeliveredStatus'), (162484138,'2020-10-07 07:24:56.000000', 823086, 81515, 39.28, 'CanceledStatus'), ( 75864024,'2019-11-05 22:03:28.000000',21665572,206133, 16.8 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (185806539,'2020-12-13 18:00:17.000000',46003429,165703, 22.8 ,'DeliveredStatus'), (227514197,'2021-04-04 19:09:41.000000',21665572,266277, 8 ,'DeliveredStatus'), ( 74766149,'2019-11-01 13:11:17.000000',23084377, 56545, 11.58,'DeliveredStatus'), (156465503,'2020-09-17 20:14:17.000000',23084377,206133, 12.5 ,'DeliveredStatus'), ( 88279030,'2019-12-26 21:09:35.000000',21665572,206133, 17.45,'DeliveredStatus'), (186508363,'2020-12-15 18:45:43.000000',46003429, 81517, 50 , 'CanceledStatus'); CREATE TABLE stores ( id bigint distkey primary key , name varchar(20) not null ); INSERT INTO stores VALUES ( 12391,"Vientos Madrid"), ( 91878,"Telepizza"), (100398,"Dragón Inn"), (127484,"Peggy Sue's"), ( 67696,"KFC"), (266277,"Mezopotamya Doner Kebab"), (206133,"McDonald's"), (165703,"Domino's Pizza"), ( 49114,"Foster's Hollywood"), ( 55575,"VIPS"), ( 56545,"KFC"), (120341,"Pizza Hut"), (170036,"Marjane"), ( 52140,"McDonald's"), ( 69356,"Wendy's"), ( 81515,"Nikora Supermarket"), ( 81517,"Carrefour"), ( 88059,"Fire Wok"), (197609,"Baristo Pizza"); with /* In this subquery, I extract the main metrics from the 'orders' table */ orders_by_user as ( SELECT user_id, count(distinct id) as n_orders, avg(total_price) as avg_order_value, sum(case when final_status='DeliveredStatus' then 1 else 0 end) as n_delivered_orders FROM orders GROUP BY 1 ), /* Here I look into the 'orders' table to see which ones are the stores with more orders for each user, joining also the 'stores' table to get the names of the stores */ favourite_stores as ( SELECT user_id, t2.name as favorite_store_name FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY 3 desc, 4 desc) as rownum FROM (SELECT user_id, store_id, count(distinct id) as n_orders_by_store, max(creation_time) as most_recent_order FROM orders GROUP BY 1,2 ORDER BY 1, 3 desc, 4 desc ) ) t1 LEFT JOIN stores t2 ON t1.store_id = t2.id WHERE rownum=1 ), /* Here I extract the timestamps of the 2 last orders for each user */ order_times as ( SELECT * FROM (SELECT user_id, creation_time as last_order_time, LEAD(creation_time,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY creation_time desc) as previous_order_time, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY 2 desc) as rownum FROM orders ) WHERE rownum = 1 ), /* Finally, I join all the tables queried, to obtain the final 'user_order' table, keeping only those users with 5 or more orders placed */ user_orders as ( SELECT a.id as user_id, round(julianday('now') - julianday(a.signed_up_time)) as days_since_signed_up, b.n_orders, b.avg_order_value, (100 * b.n_delivered_orders / b.n_orders) as perc_delivered_orders, c.favorite_store_name, d.last_order_time, julianday(d.last_order_time) - julianday(d.previous_order_time) as days_between_last_2_orders FROM users a LEFT JOIN orders_by_user b ON a.id = b.user_id LEFT JOIN favourite_stores c ON a.id = c.user_id LEFT JOIN order_times d ON a.id = d.user_id WHERE n_orders >= 5 ) SELECT * FROM user_orders
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